Nowadays, you need an identification card or ID to do pretty much everything. Whether it’s something trivial such as providing proof of your age when entering a club or bar or something more important such as entering a university or government transactions. It could even be a matter of national security such as entering high-profile buildings or boarding an aircraft.

The idea of identification has become so ingrained in our society today. The fact that we carry it around in our wallets, hang it around our necks, and even have it online in digital form just proves one thing – it is essential, and it is something we often use every day.
However, the ID system is not fool-proof. It is not perfect. It has its own Achilles’ heel, and some people are committed to exploiting its flaws, vulnerabilities, and loopholes for their own personal agenda, which is oftentimes illegal in nature.
Some would want to fake their ID for all the wrong motives and malicious intents. Whether they want to gain entry to a place they can’t normally enter, to have clearance to files they don’t have access to, or to get privileges they usually could not have without the proper ID.
It is surprisingly easy to fake an ID, most especially the ones from universities, campuses, and other higher educational institutions. A lot of fake ID websites are offering phony IDs with equally false credentials in exchange for payment. Some of them are real enough to fool authorities and even bypass specific computer algorithms designed to detect and flag them.
Some fake ID websites even have complete forms for payment and shipping and can customize your fake ID to belong to a particular state, company, organization, or university.
Some even do it themselves instead of paying fake ID websites, using software that is easily accessible and readily available such as Photoshop. It’s actually not too difficult to create your own fake ID with the right tools and skills. There are fake ID templates that you could easily modify in Photoshop. It can be as simple as filling in the necessary information you want to appear in the fake ID and inserting your own photo. By making certain adjustments such as blending, opacity, and lighting curves, your self-made ID can look no different from an actual university ID.
It’s enough to fool a human being, but as computers and artificial intelligence gets smarter, this kind of forgery becomes harder to achieve as the days go by. To counter the growing ease of creating fake IDs, many organizations and institutions now put in other security features in their IDs such as embedding microchips and putting barcodes.
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